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News and Announcements

The State Bar is Seeking to Fill The Following Positions

Bianca Garcia | Published on 2/10/2022


The State Bar of California is seeking a diverse pool of candidates to serve on State Bar committees. Both nonlawyers and lawyers are encouraged to apply.

Committee members play an essential role in guiding the work of the State Bar, an agency with an expansive mission that includes protecting the public through the licensing, regulation, and discipline of attorneys, and increasing the diversity of the legal profession and access to legal services.

The State Bar is most effective when membership of its committees represents the rich racial and ethnic, geographic, and professional diversity of Californians. We encourage applications from those well-versed in State Bar issues and with little knowledge or experience, but with interest in helping the organization advance its important statutory mission.

The State Bar specifically seeks to fill positions on the California Board of Legal Specialization, the Client Security Fund Commission, the Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct, the Committee of State Bar Accredited and Registered Schools, the Commission on Judicial Nominees Evaluation, the Legal Services Trust Fund Commission, and the Review Committee of the Commission on the Judicial Nominees Evaluation.

The State Bar welcomes applications year-round. In order to be guaranteed for consideration for 2022 appointments, please submit your SBC ApplForm no later than April 1, 2022.

Thank you in advance for your service.